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Home The Story

The Story

Unveiling the Secrets of Living Water

Transformation of Water in the Land of Strawberries


Essential Plant Care: Love and Water

Over 20 years ago in 2003, I had already spent 10 years in the world of professional strawberry cultivation. It was demanding work that required an understanding of cultivation techniques and a lot of love for plants. But most crucial was the water.

Looking back today, I can say that a fabulously fateful encounter with a friend set me on the path I now tread.

Maks Vrecko in strawberry field
Maks Vrečko, Professional Strawberry Grower and Visionary | Zgoša, Slovenia


Living Water Experiment

I decided to experiment. I divided the strawberry field into two parts. On one side, I watered the plants with ordinary water which had always been the norm. On the other part of the field the plants received the mysterious flow of structured ‘living’ water. The transformation of water from ‘ordinary’ to ‘living’ occurred as it passed through ceramic tubes with energetically imprinted vibrations.

picking strawberries
The strawberries always clearly showed that vibration suited them


Pioneering Sustainable Water Solutions

In 2009 I was ready for new life challenges. Encouraged by my experience and new-found and proven knowledge, I embarked on the path of promoting water enhancement technology in agriculture. My fellow farmers did not grasp the revolutionary possibilities in this field and stuck to their beliefs and conventional approaches.

straberries for health
18.1% More Strawberries grown with Living Water
kozmogram Flaska


The Birth of Flaska

The response was exceptional and, on 10th March 2010,
Flaska was born.

Since then, the Flaska journey has traversed winding roads strewn with ups and downs.

family Vrecko in strawberry field
The Last Family Photo Among the Strawberries
Maks Vrečko
Get your own glass bottle FLASKA.
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For more information please contact us.


  • Maks begins cultivating strawberries, with the aim of growing the best and sweetest strawberries.
  • Maks experiments with structured water on his strawberries and discovers numerous positive effects that improve the quality and
    yield of the crop.
  • Maks concludes strawberry cultivation to focus on new challenges.
  • He produces a test series of bottles for structured water, which he distributes among friends and acquaintances to obtain feedback.
March 10th, 2010
  • The birth of Flaška.
  • Flaska became the top choice for many Slovenians, bringing a revolutionary change in the use of water bottles.
  • Manufacturing of personalized 0.5l Flaska bottle according to our own mold.
  • Starting Flaska sales in Croatia, Spain, and Bulgaria.
  • Flaska’s design contest for the best bottle sleeve. We received over 350 proposals.
  • Beginning partnership with Masaru Emoto.
  • Sales launch in Austria, Germany, Estonia, and the USA.
  • New products: Vodan, Flaska Cork, and Flaska Grip.
  • Visit to Mount Roraima and channeling of water-related information.
  • Manufacturing of personalized 0.75l Flaska bottle according to our own mold.
  • Sales launch in Italy, Switzerland, Indonesia, Singapore, and Norway.
  • Attending the first water conference.
  • Flaska makes its debut at the Biofach trade fair.
  • Sales launch in Slovakia and the Netherlands.
  • First meeting of Flaska distributors.
  • New products: Flaska Doggy.
  • Manufacturing of personalized 0.3l Flaska bottle according to our own mold.
  • Sales launch in France and Finland.
  • New products: Flaska Jeans and Flaska Fairy Symbols.
  • Flaska becomes a partner in the Emoto Peace Project.
  • Sales launch of Flaska in the United Kingdom.
  • Second meeting of Flaska distributors.
  • New products: Sirius glass and Flaska Uniq.
  • New Flaska website, for which we receive the Websi award.
  • Third meeting of Flaska distributors.
  • New product: Karpo fruit bowl.
  • Flaska celebrates its 10th anniversary.
  • Start of collaboration with The Earth Organization.
  • New product: Cup Angelica.
  • Manufacturing of a new Flaska model with a wide neck,
0.5l and 0.75l.
    eFlaska App launch.
  • New product: Love & Gratitude glass inspired
    by Dr. Masaru Emoto.
  • New collections: Flaska Horoscope, Flaska Yoga, and Flaska Empower.
  • New product: Flaska Green.


In today’s world separation is becoming the norm, leading to alienation between people of colour, creed and culture, and it is growing, Flaska remains dedicated to the one human family.

Even though we are divided into producers and consumers, we believe we are all, fully and completely, part of the same family.

Our connections are rooted in good personal relationships, integrity, mutual respect, and the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. We respect the Earth and we nurture a passion for water.

Flaska isn’t just a product; it is a means to achieve health and harmony in life.


Flaska team
Maks Vrečko


I believe that with small steps, we can change the world for the better. As the owner of Flaska, I am proud that we have already made over half a million of them, and we will continue on this path. My vision and passion for sustainable development and innovation guide our team. With dedication, I strive to create a better future together for all.

Andreja Vrecko


Good water is the key to good health, and equally important is well-organized documentation, which is the foundation for healthy business practices. As an accountant, I ensure organized financial processes compliant with regulations, enabling the company to focus on sustainable development and innovation.

Ursa Hrovat


As a sales advisor, I enjoy working with customers. I am sociable, open, and friendly, which allows me to build authentic relationships with clients. I believe that the key to sales success lies in honest communication and understanding customer needs. Going to work relaxed, knowing you're in an excellent company with a great team, always makes work enjoyable.

Julija Macek marketing


I believe that the best marketing is based on authentic stories that evoke emotions and create connections. With creative design and strong messages, I ensure that Flaska's story reaches a wide audience and promotes a sustainable lifestyle.

Masa Gole design


As a graphic designer, I bring freshness and modernity to our materials. With innovative ideas and creative approaches, I ensure that Flaska's materials stand out and attract attention, believing in the power of visual communication.

Matej design


As the creative lead and photographer, I manage Flaska's comprehensive visual identity. My task is to create aesthetically refined, consistently organized, and functional designs. My passion is capturing the beauty and story of Flaska's products through photography, presenting them in a way that excites customers.

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