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Home Rules and conditions of participation in the Facebook and instagram prize game

Rules and conditions of participation in the Facebook and instagram prize game

The organizer of the prize game is Flaška d.o.o., Zgoša 23, 4275 Begunje na Gorenjskem, Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as the organizer). The prize game is conducted for the purpose of advertising and promoting the Flaška brand.


The prize game runs from the date of posting on the wall until the date specified in the post on the Facebook and Instagram profiles of Flaška.

Prizes and prize distribution

The prize game will award a prize as depicted in the post on the Facebook and Instagram profiles of Flaška.

Conditions for participation in the prize game

Purchase is not a condition for participating in the prize game.
To participate in the prize game, you participate on the wall of our FB profile https://www.facebook.com/flaska.slovenija or Instagram https://www.instagram.com/flaska.bottle/.
Participants in the prize game must correctly complete the prize game and abide by the Rules and Conditions of participation in the Facebook and Instagram prize game.


All individuals who participate in the prize game and correctly complete it will be considered in the prize drawings. The prize drawings will take place on the date announced on the Facebook and Instagram profile. Drawings will not be public and will be conducted using information technologies. The organizer reserves the right to exclude incomplete applications from the drawings or not to consider them. Participants agree to participate in the prize game and under the conditions stated in these rules.

The winner does not have the right to demand a different prize or a prize in a larger quantity than that specified in these rules. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash or replaced with other items. The organizer assumes no responsibility for the use and utilization of prizes.

Employees of Flaška d.o.o., their immediate family members (spouse or person with whom the employee lives in a life community that is legally equivalent to marriage according to the regulations on marriage and family relationships, children or adoptees, grandchildren, siblings, and parents or adoptive parents of the employee) and all legal and natural persons involved in organizing the prize game are not eligible to participate in the prize game.
The drawing is final, no appeal is possible.

Other rules of the prize game

The organizer reserves the right not to award the prize if:

  • there is a reasonable doubt about the authenticity of the participant’s data or
  • it is found that the winner does not meet the conditions specified in these rules or has participated in the prize game contrary to the rules and conditions of the prize game or has been selected contrary to these rules or
  • even after notification of the winners, no one responds to the prize collection, according to the instructions of the organizer of the prize game.

All information about the drawing is available in the application through which the drawing was conducted.

Winners will be notified of the prize by announcing their name on the wall of the Facebook and Instagram social network profile of the organizer within one day after the drawing.

If the winner does not provide their information to the organizer in writing via inbox within 5 days from the announcement of the name on the wall, they are not entitled to claim the prize from the organizer. In this case, the organizer is relieved of all obligations towards the winner based on these rules. The winner in this case also has no right to any other or different compensation. The organizer may use the prize for any other purpose.

The prize will be taxed in accordance with the Income Tax Act (the game organizer will calculate and pay the income tax). Any additional income tax payments according to the annual income tax decision are borne by the winner.

The winner agrees that their first and last name will be published on the organizer’s website.
The organizer is not responsible for any damage that participants may suffer due to logistical obstacles, technical problems, or other errors.

By participating in the prize game, participants allow the organizer to collect, process, and store the provided personal data for the purpose of the prize game. The organizer undertakes to manage and protect the provided data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. The data will not be disclosed to unauthorized third parties or otherwise abused.

The organizer will also use the provided personal data of the winners for the purposes of promoting the company Flaška d.o.o., in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act.

Participants in the prize game can request insight, transcript, copy, supplementation, correction, blocking, or deletion of their personal data, or cessation of processing of their personal data for the purposes of conducting this prize game, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

Any questions regarding the prize game can be communicated to the organizer at the following email address: [email protected].

For any questions that may arise regarding the prize game and are not regulated by these rules, the organizer, who is also responsible for conducting the prize game, is competent. The organizer’s interpretation is final and cannot be appealed.

These rules apply from the date of adoption onwards, i.e., from 1.7.2019 and are available to participants on the website https://www.flaska.si/o-nas1/splosni-pogoji-poslovanja during the prize game.

The organizer may change the rules and conditions of participation in the prize game. At the same time, it undertakes to inform users about any changes in the rules in an appropriate manner and at an appropriate location.

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